Live in Torbay and thinking of starting your own business? Join our FREE four-week programme and you’ll learn all the skills and knowledge you need to turn your business idea into a reality.
Taking place at EPIC Centre in Paignton, the workshops will introduce the basics of how to start a business. The sessions will highlight the importance of business planning, costing and pricing, marketing and how to financially plan for your start up. On completion of the workshops you will have a strong foundation of knowledge to help you launch your business.
The courses take place every Wednesday from 22 February to 15 March 2023 with each session starting at 10 am and finishing at 1pm. Attendees will need to register for and attend all four sessions in order to benefit from and complete the programme.
Business Support is available free of charge to all Torbay residents from all backgrounds with the aim of harnessing local entrepreneurial talent. The courses are fully funded by Torbay Council and the European Regional Development Fund.
Click here to find out more and register for your FREE place.