Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of businesses

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of businesses

The coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown has put extra pressures on our businesses and our mental health and wellbeing.

We wanted to remind you that there are freely available mental health resources and toolkits to help you and your employees to look after yourself and to support each other during the processes of change and recovery from the challenge of the COVID -19 pandemic. Public health teams will welcome feedback on the frequency of their use and usefulness to your businesses:

Business in the Community Toolkits

  1. Business in the Community Toolkits

The toolkits include: Crisis Management in the Event of a Suicide, Domestic Abuse, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, Mental Health in the Workplace, Musculoskeletal Health, Physical Activity, Healthy Eating and Healthier Weight, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Sleep and Recovery

  1. Covid-19: employee health and wellbeing
  2. Mental Health at Work

Crisis and suicidal thoughts

  1. Samaritans helpline
  2. Free Suicide Prevention training
  3. Mental Health Crisis helpline

Mental Health and Problem Debt

  1. Advice and support with debt
  2. Debt and Coronavirus
  3. Coronavirus Universal Credit and Benefits

Self Help and maintaining resilience

  1. Every Mind Matters

For additional local resources, click here